BANK CTE Questionnaire

What to expect

The BANK CTE questionnaire delves into your playing history, military service, family history, cognitive function, and emotional well-being. This comprehensive approach helps us create a more complete picture of your brain health, identifying potential risk factors for chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and other conditions.

Your privacy is of upmost importance and will be protected by the study team. Your answers will be de-identified to protect your anonymity. They will then be stored on secure servers, allowing researchers to access the data for valuable insights while safeguarding your personal information.

BANK CTE Brain Games

The BANK CTE Brain games are an important aspect of our study. Here are a couple things to remember as you complete them:

  • Please complete them without help

  • The games (Survey Part 2) must be completed on a computer or laptop

  • In order to save results from the games you have to fully complete it. Please do not close the tab before it states that you are finished.

  • We understand that these games can be difficult and frustrating, your dedication to completing them is appreciated!

Frequently asked questions; BANK CTE questionnaire

Can I have help on this?

You are allowed to have help on Survey Part I. We ask you complete Survey Part II, the brain games, on your own.

Can I leave and come back to the questionnaire?

You are welcome to complete at your own pace, including leaving and coming back. But, if you are going to take a break, please be sure to complete a section before closing your window.

Will I get paid for this?

Yes, we appreciate your time and dedication to completing the questionnaire! Once you have completed the survey, brain donation pledge, and blood draw you will receive a $100 gift card to a vendor of your choice.

Why are there so many questions?

Every question we ask is important and has a purpose. We are hoping to deepen our understanding of the risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases and every question we ask helps us with that goal. We understand that this makes the survey portion long but we are very grateful that you and others are willing to answer these questions!

Do I need a computer for this?

You can complete Survey Part I using a computer, chrome book, iPad, or smart phone. But in order to complete Survey Part II you will need a desktop or laptop computer. If you do not have access to a computer please reach out to the study team at and we will try our best to help you find a solution.

Further questions?

Please contact the study team at for any further questions.

Together, we can make an impact on brain health for contact sports athletes and Veterans